Another Good Year at The Historic Grange

We had another wonderful turnout of enthusiastic Gardeners at our final work day of 2014, and what a glorious day it was—unseasonably warm and sunny.  The ground was moist and had that Autumn smell of leaves and loam.  We thought you would be curious to know that from April 2014 through November 2014, under the guidance of Dee Dee Heyward and Cathy Decke, 65 gardeners gave of their time.  Each person works for about one and a half to two hours each month.  That is a lot of volunteers and a lot of hours.

Sandy Beale once again dug into her beautiful gardens in New Castle, Delaware and donated more perennials and 2 shrubs.

Physocarpus oplifolius – Nine bark ‘Coppertina’

Cornus sericea – yellow twig dogwood ‘Bud’s Yellow’

Iris cristata  – dwarf crested iris

Pachysandra procumbens – native pachysandra

Asarum canadense – wild ginger

Agastache foeniculum – anise hyssop

Connie Stelzenmuller, Michele Spence and Joan Roberts worked on weeding and cleaning up both the Mansion Walk Garden and the companion garden next to the Mansion.   Anne Barnett, Betsy Crowell, Wyn Coghlan, Dee Dee Heyward and  Cathy Decker dug in more plants with Sandy that she brought from Delaware.  Sandy also brought wonderful metal plant markers to identify what was put in over this work year.  Connie’s dog Butter didn’t do much gardening, but she did enjoy the morning giving into her curiosity as she explored other parts of The Grange.  Speaking about dogs, when you see Sandy, give her some comfort.  Sadly, she lost her 13-year-old Corgi who was mauled by a neighbor’s Boxer.  I can’t even bear to think of how awful it was for Sandy to live through such a violent and painful experience for her dog.

We can all take a much needed rest from gardening this year and energize for 2015.  We have made a major contribution to this 10-acre wood in the middle of a dense township.  On behalf of Dee Dee and Cathy, thank you all for extending yourself to be at The Grange this year.  They hope to see many more members come join us as we welcome Spring on April 7, 2015.



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