Preparing for Christmas at Strawberry Mansion

Along with the Committee of 1926, The Gardeners, The Weeders and the Moorestown Garden Club are working on turning Strawberry Mansion into a treat for visitors for the annual Christmas tour of the Fairmount Park Mansions.  On Thursday, October 9, your Christmas Decorating Committee joined a group of other gardeners for the second Christmas workshop at Strawberry Mansion.  This project was organized and will be implemented by Strawberry Mansion’s, The Committee of 1926, with the help of The Gardeners and the two other clubs mentioned.

The Strawberry Mansion Committee of 1926 has worked hard on the Christmas theme of Peace With Earth.  Kudos to Beth Kowalchick who is the grand dame of creative crafts and the spirit behind the Strawberry Mansion Christmas.

Here you see a sample of the crafts and the folks who came out for the workshop.  This project is very different from what The Gardeners usually do at Christmas.  We develop our own theme and then buy, borrow or make the decorations.  Most of the development for Strawberry Mansion was done by Beth and her Committee.  We were there to help carry out the theme using all recycled items.  You must take the Christmas tour and be surprised to see what one can do with used tea bags, tin cans, and lots of natural materials.

Beth and her committee prepared a delicious lunch for us and made sure that the coffee urn stayed hot throughout the workshop.  More to come in December when the decorating is complete.


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